American Apocalypse represents the approach of the American government to the recent ravaging of the Coronavirus and individual and collective isolation caused by this tumultuous time. It is a digital illustration after a photograph widely disseminated on news broadcasting sites that shows a White House worker disinfecting the grounds after President Donald Trump had a brush with the virus. This illustration culture jams the riotous flow of controversial images addressing the coronavirus and records this image as a fine art representation of the public's fear and mistrust of the government during this time. The subject's protective gear hides their identity away from the viewer and symbolizes the loneliness, isolation, and loss of identity many people have felt as a result of troubling recent events.

This artwork was featured in JUNCTURE a student and alumni CSUSM show beginning in 2020 and extending in multiple panels throughout early 2021. This exhibit was shown digitally due to recent restrictions but may be transformed into a physical exhibition in the near future. Visit the exhibit website to see the digital show with other student work.
Made with Adobe Sketch.