Early this year, the software Adobe Sketch was discontinued by Adobe and Adobe Fresco was offered as its replacement. Several of the first assignments we embark upon in Digital Drawing were designed to be completed in Sketch. These assignments would now have to be done in Fresco and I was tasked to learn the program myself so I could better instruct my students on how to use it.
To learn this new software, I created several drawings shown above. Once I had a good handle on most of its extensive features, I tested making some of the drawings that the students would be making in class. Below you can see my experiments making the 2 point perspective drawing and testing Fresco's brushes to see what type and size would be best for this assignment. I then used these tests to edit the existing assignment descriptions with new parameters for Fresco. I also developed a basics guide that links to the Adobe's Fresco user guide for student reference.

This aspect of my internship helped me gain skills for my future career by learning a new program. Fresco is now the industry standard for Adobe pixel and vector illustration so it was necessary for me to familiarize myself with it since Sketch was discontinued. With a field as fertile as digital drawing, it was also helpful to gain experience in updating course assignments and tutorials to keep up with changing technology.