Collaborative drawing that the Data Visualization students created in Google Tilt Brush.
After a successful Faculty Presentation, I was invited by Professor Lucy Solomon to give a workshop in virtual reality art using Google Tilt Brush in her AMD 411: Data Visualization class. I am currently enrolled in the class and have created several virtual and augmented reality art pieces for the assigned projects. Professor Solomon was introducing the final project to the class and encouraging students to use mediums outside of their comfort zones: virtual reality or woodworking. We separated the students into several groups and had each of them take turns trying out the Oculus Quest 2 headset with me at the front of the class. Each student was able to try on the headset and draw with the controllers in a previously created Google Tilt Brush project that was cast onto the projector screen. Below you can see a Tilt Brush basics demonstration I recorded that is a similar, slightly more in-depth version of the presentation I gave to each student. The professor and I deputized a few of my students from Digital Drawing to work with their own headsets to give even more students the chance to have a virtual reality experience. We even convinced the lab worker at the woodshop upstairs to come down and give it a try!
This demonstration undoubtedly increased my instructional skills in a very dynamic environment of shifting groups of students. It was fulfilling to educate students outside of the Digital Drawing class on some of the possibilities of extended reality art. Each student quickly took to the medium and four students will be renting out an Oculus headset and using it for their final project. The students also created a beautiful collaborative drawing in their individual experiments with Tilt Brush that you can see a video of above. It was amazing to see students experience virtual reality for the first time and hopefully this demonstration will provide an example for the many in-class visits conducted by future DDCDT interns.
Sample of the Google Tilt Brush Basics document I disseminated to the students.