Scheduling hand-out for the virtual and augmented reality drop-in sessions. Yes, I see the typo. I swear it's Professor Allard's fault.
At the end of our Faculty Presentation, the DDCDT and I invited the Art, Media, and Design faculty to attend two drop-in sessions in the weeks to follow where we would introduce augmented and virtual reality art software. On April 19th, we held the first drop-in session for virtual reality in Arts 239. We had one Oculus headset casting to the projector and several more on hand for other faculty to use. Several faculty members including Professor Lucy Solomon were able to try out the headsets for the first time, draw in Google Tilt Brush, and envision how they may use the same software in their classes. On April 26th, we held a drop-in session in the same location for augmented reality. Professor Brar introduced Adobe Aero and I presented several projects I recently created with Artivive.
Professor Solomon drawing in virtual reality.
Professor Sandra Wascher drawing in virtual realilty.
I regularly instruct and mentor students on using extended reality software, but this experience allowed me to show my professors something entirely new for them. It was almost like I was teaching my mentors. I really appreciated the faculty members' insights into how they may incorporate Google Tilt Brush, Adobe Aero, and Artivive into their own classes. Professor Solomon had especially intriguing ideas about how to introduce Tilt Brush to her current class without changing the fundamentals of any of her projects. I speak more about that in In-Class Demo. I absolutely recommend that the future DDCDT conducts more of these drop-in sessions to explore new software and expose even more professors to drawing in extended reality.
Samples of the Oculus Quest and Tilt Brush basics documents I updated for the drop-in sessions.