Me and students in the Digital Drawing class.
Every Wednesday for 5 hours Professor Allard, the students, and I met in Arts 239 to have our Digital Drawing class. Here we gave demonstrations on virtual reality drawing in Google Tilt Brush and allowed the students to have plenty of lab time. We created a collaborative environment where students could project their iPad sketches on the big screen for the class to see. Students could also show Professor Allard or me their virtual reality projects by exchanging headsets or casting onto the projector. The students inspired me every day with what questions and creations they came up with in class.
Students drawing in class.
I have been assisting Professor Allard in his Digital Drawing class for 3 semesters and I was extremely grateful to be able to continue that work through my internship. This semester was especially rewarding and educational in that the students were able to study in-person for the first time since the pandemic. I gained important knowledge in teaching in-person and managing a classroom full of students who are extremely immersed in the task at hand. I also gained valuable interpersonal communication skills through my interactions with students.
Student explaining the set-up of his virtual reality drawing.
My controller experiments during class.